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Traditional Chinese Medicine
Five Element Theory, Tongue, and Pulse
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses the holistic approach to health. As opposed to addressing a health concern symptomatically, TCM looks at the body as a whole. There are many Organ systems in TCM that don’t necessarily align with Western organ systems. In TCM one Organ system has an effect on another, this uses the principal of the Five Element Theory. The 10 Organs in TCM are Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney, Liver, Urinary Bladder, Gall Bladder, Stomach, Large Intestine, and Small Intestine . My job is to help your body get back into balance.
Using Methods such as tongue and pulse observations I can dig deeper into what signals your body is sending out. With tongue mapping I can see which area of your body might need some attention. Red areas in the tongue can mean too much Heat (Excess Yang), pale areas in the tongue can mean too cold (Deficient Yang). Redness on the tip of the tongue can be an indicator of Heart Yin Deficiency. In TCM the person’s pulse can tell me more information. Some pulses can mean Qi Deficiency, other pulses can be another indicator of Excess Yang, etc. When looking at the tongue, feeling the pulse, and learning more about the person, I can match symptoms to TCM Patterns that correlate to the TCM Organ.
Using these observational methods and Patterns, I formulate an herbal protocol using herbs from Traditional Chinese Medicines. As much as I love customizing formulas, there are hundreds of ancient formulas that have been proven effective. When I deem it necessary, I stick to the traditional formulas.
For more information about an herbal consultation visit my Consultation page.